
Terms & Condition


  1. Tickets are sold for the event by the cultural and environmental organization known as the Sola Luna Team (the Promoter), the terms and conditions below, and the rules and regulations of the Sola Luna Festival (the Festival), as displayed at the venue (the Site). No entrance under 18 is allowed.

  2. These terms & conditions contain important information, please read them carefully. The use of this ticket and entry onto the Site shall constitute an acceptance by the holder of these terms & conditions and imply an undertaking on the part of the holder to observe them. In the event of any breach of these terms & conditions, the Promoter reserves the right to cancel tickets, to refuse admission, to remove the holder or to confiscate offending articles, as the case may be, and in any case, to retain any monies paid for the relevant ticket.

  3. Tickets are strictly personal. Tickets cannot be transferred, re-sold, refunded, or re-issued. If this ticket is re-sold or transferred for profit, non-profit, or commercial gain by anyone other than the Promoter or one of its authorized sub-agents, it will become void and the holder may be refused entry or removed from the site.

  4. No tickets may be used for competitions, promotions, or hospitality packages without the prior written consent of the Promoter and any ticket used in that way will be void and the holder may be refused entry or removed from the Site.

  5. Tickets are sold subject to the Promoter’s right to alter or vary the performances and/or the Festival without being obliged to refund monies or exchange tickets.

  6. Official wristbands are to be worn at all times. If you do not wear a wristband, you will be escorted off-site.

  7. Lost, damaged, destroyed, or undelivered tickets are still valid in our system.

  8. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse admission to the Festival. There might be searches of persons entering the Site to ensure the safety of the persons on Site.

  9. Any person who fails to comply with instructions from a steward or other person acting for the Promoter or behaving against the peaceful atmosphere we all want at Sola Luna Festival may be removed from the Site.

  10. Admission to the Site is at the ticket holder’s own risk. The Promoter and Landowner will not be held responsible for loss or damage to property or persons whilst attending this event. You acknowledge and agree the land the Festival is staged on is a natural place that may contain various obstacles, risks, and dangers, both known and unknown, natural and man-made which may result in loss or damage to your property or personal injury. Knowing this to be the case, if you choose to attend the Festival, you agree that you do so at your own risk, waiving and foregoing all rights to make claims against the Promoter for any loss or injury you may suffer there.

  11. No bottles, No cans, No glass, No containers, and No alcohol are allowed. Tents, chairs, tables, or picnic equipment can only be brought onto the campsite, please help us minimize our impact on nature by not bringing too much camping gear and then leaving it behind. Glass bottles increase the risk of fire and are harmful to nature if left behind, they are not allowed. Any of these items found will be confiscated.

  12. NO Drones. Please respect the privacy issues and the inherent danger of flying a multi-rotor machine above large crowds, we just don’t want to see numerous buzzing drones flying around Sola Luna everywhere. Drones of any kind are not permitted at Sola Luna. People who are caught flying them will have them confiscated immediately.

  13. A TOTAL FIRE BAN is in operation for the entire duration of the Festival. No naked flames, campfires, candles, or gas stoves allowed. The Sola Luna Festival region has a high risk of fire, please help us to prevent it.

  14. No illegal substances may be brought onto the site. Please respect your health and limits.

  15. Official merchandise, food, drink, and general provisions will be available from authorized identified vendors within the Site. No trading shall be undertaken without the prior written consent of the Promoter, any offenders will have their property confiscated and will be removed from the site.

  16. Photographic, video, or audio reproduction of the Sola Luna Festival is prohibited for commercial purposes. Please respect the privacy of fellow attendees!

  17. Ticket holders consent to their inclusion in official newsletters or other communication, photographic, visual & audio recordings of the Festival as members of the audience.

  18. Dogs are allowed at Sola Luna Festival but will NOT be permitted in areas near the music stages.

  19. Sola Luna is a space of freedom and no prejudice. It’s a space for free spirits based on values such as music, peace, arts, environment, culture, and love. Please respect your brothers and sisters and the nature around you. Do not engage in negative behavior towards others.



The Tickets

A very limited amount of tickets are available – Grab yours before they sell out!

The Lineup

The biggest international Psychedelic line-up in Southeast Asia!

The Beach

Khanom is largely untouched by tourism and it’s a paradise on earth!

Shopping Basket